Wood Vinegar Detox Patches absorbs excessive retained fluid from the applied area such as the feet ,knees,waist,shoulders,elbows or neck, place the plaster on the painful area to relief pain, reduce swelling and eliminate toxins.




Do not apply the plaster to open wounds, inflamed areas


Keep out of reach of children. For external use only

Apply immediately after the protective backing sheet is removed from the adhesive plaster tape.

Do not puncture the pack containing wood vinegar extract powder

Remove the plaster immediately if one fells discomfort after application


Keep in a cool and dry location


Usage instructions

Step 1: clear your feet

Step 2: Tear down the bigger part of the adhesive paster, and then attach the side which printed with letters to adhesive paster. (The letters which on the foot patch should never touch your skin)

Step 3: attach the foot patch with the paster onto your vola.

Step 4: tear down the smaller part of the adhesive paster, and then attach it onto your vola firmly.

Step 5: please use the foot patch while you are sleeping, and make sure to keep it on your feet for more than 6 hours. If possible, we strongly recommend you to attach it for 8 hours.

Step 6: next morning, tear down the bag and clear your vola.

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